Milan threaten legal actions against UEFA

The AC Milan management traveled to Switzerland to meet with UEFA for the last time regarding the Financial Fair Play breach.
Yesterday morning, AC Milan, led by Gordon Singer and president Paolo Scaroni, showed up in Nyon in front of UEFA’s Adjudicatory Chamber. La Gazzetta dello Sport explains that the Rossoneri hope to close this issue one and for all with a reasonable fine to be paid in several installments.
After yesterday’s hearing, AC Milan will have to wait at least a couple of weeks before knowing what punishment UEFA will decide regarding the Financial Fair Play breach. The management expects a “proportionate penalty” as suggested by the CAS Tribunal of Lausanne. Just a fine and perhaps some limitations in the squad list (at most). President Scaroni and his colleagues are confident that a transfer ban is not a real possibility.
According to Il Corriere della Sera in case the sentence should be harder, then Milan will take legal actions and take the issue again at the Court of Arbitration for Sport demanding fair judgement. In theory, UEFA would have every interest in avoiding this scenario, but it remains a possibility in the event that Milan does not consider the penalty decided by the Adjudicatory Chamber to be “proportionate”.
Yesterday’s hearing was also attended by Gordon Singer, son of Paul and number two of Elliott, who reaffirmed his commitment to AC Milan in the medium term (3-5 years) and illustrated the new business plan. The American ownership detailed how they intend to respect the budget rules and the FFP. His presence should lead UEFA to a different attitude in comparison to what happened with the Chinese.
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